Progressive Scan Camera
Oper at ion Manual
Table of Contents
1. General .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Standard Composition ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Main Features ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Locations and Functions .................................................................................................................................................. 2
5. Pin Assignment ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.1. 12-pin Multi-connector (DC-IN/ SYNC.) ........................................................................................................................ 3
5.2. 6-pin Multi-connector (RS 232C/ TRIGGER) ................................................................................................................. 3
6. Functions and Operation .................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.1. Input/ Output of HD/ VD Signal.................................................................................................................................... 4
6.1.1. Input of External HD/ VD signals ......................................................................................................................... 4
6.1.2. Output of Internal HD/ VD signals ...................................................................................................................... 4
6.2. Continuous operation ................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.3. External Trigger Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 5
6.3.1. Edge Pre-select Trigger Mode ............................................................................................................................ 5
6.3.2. Pulse Width Control Trigger Mode ..................................................................................................................... 5
6.4. Timing diagram for Edge Pre-select ........................................................................................................................... 6
6.5. Timing diagram for Pulse Width Control..................................................................................................................... 7
7. Mode Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.1. Mode Setting by Switch .............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.1.1. M10BX Internal Switch SW1 Settings (On PK8206) ............................................................................................. 8
7.1.2. M10BX Switch SW1 Settings (On rear panel)...................................................................................................... 8
7.1.3. M10RS Switch SW1 Settings (On rear panel) ...................................................................................................... 8
7.2. Shutter Time select .................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.1. CV-M10BX SW1 on PK8206 ................................................................................................................................. 9
7.2.2. SW1-1 to SW1-3 on rear ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3. Trigger select .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
7.3.1. Normal Shutter mode ......................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3.2. Ext. Trigger mode ............................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4. Scanning Mode .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4.1 Interlaced mode .................................................................................................................................................. 9
7.4.2. Non interlaced mode ........................................................................................................................................ 10
7.5. Gamma Correction .................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.6. Gain Control/ RS 232C control ................................................................................................................................... 10
7.6.1. Gain control on CV-M10 ..................................................................................................................................... 10
7.7. CV-M10RS Serial Interface for Controls ...................................................................................................................... 10
7.7.1. RS232C Cable Connect ...................................................................................................................................... 10
8. Jumper settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.1. HD/ VD signals ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.2. Trigger input termination ............................................................................................................................................ 11
8.3. Trigger mode selection............................................................................................................................................... 11
8.4. Pixel clock or video 2 on pin 9 (12 pin con.) ............................................................................................................... 11
8.5. Alternative input/ outputs on pin #6 and #7 (12 pin con.) .......................................................................................... 11
8.6. Locations of Jumper .................................................................................................................................................. 12
8.6.1. Location of Jumper on PK8189A ........................................................................................................................ 12
8.6.2. Location of Jumper on PK8187A ....................................................................................................................... 12
8.6.3. Location of Jumper for CV-M10BX on PK8206A ................................................................................................. 13
8.6.4. Location of Jumper for CV-M10RS on PK8190A .................................................................................................. 13
9. Internal adjustments on BX ............................................................................................................................................. 14
9.1. Potentiometer locations on PK8206A ........................................................................................................................ 14
10. CV-M10RS Camera Control Tool ...................................................................................................................................... 15
10.1. Control Bar for CV-M10RS Camera Control ................................................................................................................ 15
10.2. About and Help Window .......................................................................................................................................... 15
10.3. Shutter Window ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.4. Gain Window ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.5. Levels Window ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
10.6. Files and Camera ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.7. Communication Window .......................................................................................................................................... 16
11. External Appearance and Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 17
12. Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
12.1. Spectral sensitivity ................................................................................................................................................... 18
13. Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
13.1. Precautions .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
13.2. Typical CCD Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 19
13.3. References .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
14. Users Record ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
15. Index ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
1. General
The CV-M10 is a compact monochrome progressive scan camera designed for automated imaging applications. The 1/ 2"
CCD with square pixels offers a superb image quality. The high-speed shutter function and asynchronous random trigger
mode allows the camera to capture high quality images of fast moving objects. The dual tapped video output allows the
camera to operate with a high frame rate. The camera can operate in continuous mode and with triggered edge pre-select
and pulse width controlled shutter.
2. Standard Composition
The standard camera composition consists of the camera main body, tripod mounting plate and operation manual.
CV-M10 is available in the following versions:
For EIA (VGA corresponded).
CV-M10BXE is the basic progressive scan camera with all functions.
CV-M10RSE is the extended version with digital set-up function via RS232C serial control.
CV-M10BXC is the basic progressive scan camera with all functions.
CV-M10RSC is the extended version with digital set-up function via RS-232C serial control.
3. Main Features
* 1/ 2" monochrome full frame progressive scan interline transfer CCD
* 782 (h) x 582 (v) 8.37µm square pixels (767 x 580 pixels read out) for CCIR
* 659 (h) x 494 (v) 9.9 µm square pixels (748 x 492 pixels read out) for EIA
* EIA version corresponds to the VGA format
* High speed shutter up to 1/ 800,000 sec. for EIA and 1/ 917,000 sec. for CCIR
* Single channel progressive full frame read out in 1/ 25 sec. or 1/ 30 sec.
* Dual channel progressive full frame read out in 1/ 50 sec. or 1/ 60 sec.
* Interlaced or non-interlaced read out
* Long time integration up to 16 fields
* Edge pre-select and pulse width controlled external trigger modes
* Pixel clock output optional
* Camera setup via RS-232C or switches
* Windows 95/ 98/ NT setup software
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4. Locations and Functions
1. Lens mount of C-mount type. *1)
2. Interline-transfer CCD sensor with on-chip micro lenses.
3. Video output 1. VS 1.0 Vp-p. *2)
4. Video output 2. VS 1.0 Vp-p. (Only in 2 :1 interlaced mode.) *2)
5. SW1 switch on the rear panel to set the shutter speed and other function modes.
6. 6 pin connector for RS 232C signals, input of external trigger pulse and WEN output.
7. 12 pin connector for DC +12V power external sync signals and output of video 2
8. GAIN potmeter for adjusting level of video 1. (Min. gain is fully clockwise.)
9. Tripod mount plate to place the camera on tripod.
*1)Note: Rear protrusion on C-mount lens must be less than 10.0mm (0.4 inch approx.)
When IR cut filter is used, it must be less than 7.0 mm (0.28 inch approx.)
The IR cut filter is placed in the C-mount thread.
The C-mount 25 mm IR cut filter must be ordered separately.
*2) Note: In 2:1 interlace mode the 2 fields are read out simultaneously on video 1 and video 2. Each output is a normal
interlaced video signal, which can be monitored on a normal video monitor. A full progressive scanned frame can
be obtained by combining the 2 outputs in a frame grabber.
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5. Pin Assignment
5-1. 12-pin Multi-connector (DC-IN/ SYNC.)
Type: HR10A-10R-12PB-01 (Hirose) male seen from rear.
Notes: *1) Signals on pin no. 6, 7 and 9 can be changed by jumper setting.
See "8. Jumper Settings" for more information.
*2)In Edge Pre-select and Pulse Width Control mode do not input ext. VD signal.
5.2. 6-pin Multi-connector (RS 232C/ TRIGGER)
Type: HR10A-7R-6PB (Hirose) male seen from rear.
Note: WEN is generated in Normal Trig, Random Trig (normal and high speed
shutter) and Low Speed Shutter. It is 1 H long and indicates the beginning
of video read out.
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6. Functions and Operation
Apart from the standard continuous operation, the CV-M10 features two external asynchronous trigger modes, Edge Pre-
select and Pulse Width Control mode. These 2 external trigger modes can operate with either H reset or H non-reset. In Edge
Pre-select and H reset, the internal HD is reset on the falling edge of the trigger and the exposure starts. For Pulse Width
Control and H reset, the rising edge of the trigger will stop the exposure and reset the internal HD. In H non-reset, the
exposure will be synchronized to the internal HD. It will start on the first HD after the trigger negative going edge.
6-1. Input/ Output of HD/ VD Signal
6.1.1. Input of External HD/ VD signals
This setting is factory pre-set. The video output is synchronized with external HD/ VD signals if applied. If no ext. HD is
connected, the camera will switch to the internal X-tal controlled HD sync. If no ext. VD is connected, the camera will
continue with its internal VD.
The external HD/ VD signal should be 4.0 Vp-p ±2.0V from a 75 ohm source. In case of TTL level input 2.0 to 5.0V the 75 ohm
termination can be removed by open JP3/ JP6 on PK8189A board.
6.1.2. Output of Internal HD/ VD signals
In order to output internal HD/ VD signal 4.0Vp-p from a 75 ohm source, a jumper setting is required. JP1/ JP4 on PK8189A
board is to be open, and JP5/ JP7 are to be short.
6.2. Continuous operation
For application that do not require asynchronous external trigger, but run in continuous operation, this mode is used. SW1-
4 Trigger select on camera rear is set to ON for normal internal trigger mode. The shutter time or exposure time are selected
by SW1-1 to SW1-3 on camera rear (and SW1-1 to SW1-4 on PK8206 for BX versions). The setting can be done via RS 232C for
the RS versions.
The shutter time can be selected within the following range:
Normal shutter
8 step. 1/ 50 to 1/ 10,000 sec. for CCIR. 1/ 60 to 1/ 10,000 sec. for EIA
High speed shutter
8 step. 1/ 25,000 to 1/ 917,000 sec for CCIR.
1/ 20,000 sec. to 1/ 800,000 sec. for EIA
Low speed shutter
8 step. 2 fields to 16 fields
for CCIR and EIA
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6.3. External Trigger Mode
External trigger mode of CV-M10 allows 2 different driving modes:
Edge Pre-select mode. (Asynchronous reset and exposure start by an ext. trigger)
Pulse Width Control mode. (Exposure control by the low period of the ext. trigger)
For both there are two trigger modes. H reset and H non-reset. H non-reset mode allows input of synchronized external
trigger and external HD.
The trigger input is AC coupled, so there is a maximum pulse width for the trigger pulse about 1 msec. The signal level must
be 4.0V p-p +/ - 2.0V on the input, which is non-terminated. The trigger input can be changed to 75 ohm by shorting JP10. See
instructions in "8. Jumper Settings".
6.3.1. Edge Pre-select Trigger Mode
This trigger mode can operate in H reset mode or H non-reset mode.
In H reset mode the falling edge of the trigger will immediately reset the internal HD and start the exposure. The trigger input
should be >2 µsec. to <1 msec. If the camera is synchronized to an external HD, there are some requirements to the phase
between the ext. HD and the Ext. trigger. The falling edge of the trigger should be within 4.4 msec. from the falling edge of
the ext. HD. Otherwise the jitter will be too high. (See fig. 6.3)
In H non-reset mode the exposure will start at the first internal HD after the trigger. The trigger input should be >64 µsec. to
<1msec. An external trigger pulse initiates the capture, and the exposure time (accumulation time) is governed by the fixed
shutter speed set up by the rear panel DIP-switches, (internal switch for BX version.) or via RS-232C. The resulting video
signal will start to be read out after the selected shutter time. The WEN pulse indicates the start of valid video signal. Refer
to timing charts for details. A new trigger pulse must not be applied before the video read out has been finished.
To use this mode
SW1-4 on BX rear to OFF for random trigger. For RS select trigger mode.
JP12 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) OPEN for Edge Pre-select
JP13 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) OPEN for H Reset
JP13 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) Short for H Non Reset
SW1-1 through SW1-3 on rear and SW1 on (BX) PK8206 for exposure time
For CV-M10RS the selection of Edge Pre-select, Pulse Width Control H Reset and H non-reset cannot be done by
(See chapter 7 and 8 for details)
6.3.2. Pulse Width Control Trigger Mode
This trigger mode can operate in H reset mode or H non-reset mode.
In H reset mode the exposure will start immediately at the falling edge of the trigger. (The internal H will not be reset). The
exposure will end and the internal H will be reset at the rising edge of the trigger.
In H-non-reset mode the trigger and HD is synchronized. The exposure will start at the first HD pulse after the falling edge
of the trigger. The exposure stops at the trigger rising edge. The trigger pulse can be anything between >1H and <625H. To
avoid jitter, the camera should be synchronized to an external HD. There are some requirements to the phase between the
ext. HD and the Ext. trigger. The falling and rising edge of the trigger should be within 4.4 µsec. from the falling edge of the
ext. HD. (See fig. 6.3)
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The resulting video signal will start to be read out after the trigger rising edge. The WEN pulse indicates the start of valid
video signal. Refer to timing charts for details.
A new trigger pulse must not be applied before the video read out has been finished.
To use this mode:
SW1-4 on BX rear to OFF for random trigger. For RS select trigger mode
JP12 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) Short for Pulse Width Control
JP13 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) OPEN for H Reset
JP13 on PK8206 (BX ver.) or PK8190 (RS ver.) Short for H Non Reset
SW1-1 through SW1-3 on BX rear to ON (1/ 10,000) For RS select 1/ 10,000
and SW1 on (BX) PK8206 for Normal shutter.
For CV-M10RS the selection of Edge Pre-select, Pulse Width Control H Reset and H non-reset cannot be done by
RS232C. In Pulse Width Control Mode the shutter speed must be set at 1/10000 sec.
(See chapter 7 and 8 for details)
6.4. Timing diagram for Edge Pre-select
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6.5. Timing diagram for Pulse Width Control
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7. Mode Settings
7.1. Mode Setting by Switch
The mode setting switch SW1 on rear for CV-M10BX and CV-M10RS is different for switch SW1-1 to SW1-3 and SW1-7 to SW1-
8. For BX the shutter values can be selected in 3 ranges depending of the internal SW1 on the PK 8206 board. The switch
select between Normal, High speed or Low speed. In the following the switch settings are shown.
7.1.1. M10BX Internal Switch SW1 Settings (On PK8206)
7.1.2. M10BX Switch SW1 Settings (On rear panel)
7.1.3. M10RS Switch SW1 Settings (On rear panel)
Note: The shown switch settings are the factory setting. Values are shown for EIA.
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7.2. Shutter Time select.
Before making any mode or jumper settings switch the power off.
The shutter select is for CV-M10BX done with the internal SW1 on PK8206 and SW1 on rear.
For CV-M10 RS only the normal shutter range can be selected by the SW1 on rear. The high speed and low speed range can
only be selected by RS 232C.
7.2.1. CV-M10BX SW1 on PK8206
For CV-M10BX the internal SW1 on PK8206 can select the following shutter modes.
Note: By switch to the low speed range it can take up 20 sec. for correct operation.
7.2.2. SW1-1 to SW1-3 on rear.
The shutter settings are done with the first 3 switches on SW1 on rear
7.3. Trigger select
7.3.1. Normal Shutter mode
When the trigger select SW1-4 is ON, the camera is in normal mode. The camera is running continuously with an exposure
as selected with SW1-1 to 3. For BX the shutter mode is selected with the internal SW1 on PK8206. For the RS version 232C
does the selection.
7.3.2. Ext. Trigger mode
When the trigger select SW1-4 is OFF, the camera is in random trigger mode. Here an external trigger pulse will start the
exposure. Depending of JP12 and JP13 setting on PK8206, the camera will operate in edge pre-select or pulse width control
mode with H reset or H non-reset.
7.4. Scanning Mode
7.4.1 Interlaced mode
When SW1-5 is OFF, the scanning is interlaced, and the image is read out as 2 fields on the 2 video outputs. Each output is
a normal composite interlaced video signal, EIA or CCIR. Field 1 and field 2 from the CCD sensor are alternately placed on
video1 and video 2 output. In this way each output is a normal interlaced video signal. By combining the 2 video outputs, a
full progressive scanned frame is the result. In this way a full frame can be read out up to 50 times/ second for CCIR or 60
times/ sec for EIA.
Note: There are some limitations to the video 2 output concerning gain settings. (See 7.6.1)
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7.4.2. Non interlaced mode
With SW1-5 ON the camera is in non-interlaced mode. The video is read out on video 1 as a full progressive scanned frame.
The frame rate can be up to 25 for CCIR and 30 for EIA.
7.5. Gamma Correction
SW 1-6 will select the gamma correction. OFF is gamma 1.0, which is linear and normally used for vision. ON is gamma 0.45,
which is non-linear.
7.6. Gain Control/ RS 232C control
SW1-7 and SW1-8 has different functions on CV-M10BX and CV-M10RS.
7.6.1. Gain control on CV-M10BX
SW1-7 OFF and SW1-8 OFF is fixed gain. Here the gain is fixed for the 2 video outputs. Can be adjusted by internal
potentiometers. (See "9. Internal Adjustments.")
SW1-7 OFF and SW1-8 ON is rear potentiometer for gain setting. This will only work on video 1 output.
SW1-7 ON and SW1-8 OFF is the AGC mode. It will only work on video 1 output. The AGC level can be adjusted by an internal
potentiometer. (See "9. Internal Adjustments.")
7.6.2. RS232C control on CV-M10RS
SW1-7 and SW1-8 OFF will enable the settings from the SW1 on rear.
SW1-7 and SW1-8 ON will enable the RS232C serial input for camera control.
Notes: The setting should be done with power off. If the RS camera should be used with rear switch setting, the user setting
from RS232C should be in the normal shutter range.
By shift to the low speed range it can take up to 20 sec. before the camera operates correctly.
7.7. CV-M10RS Serial Interface for Controls
The RS-232C serial interface specification for CV-M10 is: 9600 Baud, 8 data bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Functions, which can be controlled by the RS-232C interface, are:
Shutter speed
Trigger select
Scanning mode
All shutter times as shown in 7.2.2
Continuous, Triggered
Interlaced, non-interlaced
Manual gain, AGC level, black level and white clip level
Notes: The following cannot be controlled via RS232C:
Gamma 1.0 - 0.45
Trigger mode: Edge Pre-select, Pulse Width Control, H reset and H non-reset
7.7.1. RS232C Cable Connections
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8. Jumper settings
Switch off the power before making any mode or jumper settings.
The following modes are available with jumper setting:
Input/ Output Mode of HD/ VD signal. (HD/ VD input is factory setting)
Termination of HD/ VD input. (75 ohm is factory setting.)
Trigger input termination. (Factory setting is TTL)
Trigger mode select. (Edge Pre-select is factory setting)
H-reset or H non-reset. (Fatory setting is H reset.)
Alternative pins for inputs/ outputs.
Jumper settings in "italic bold" are factory setting.
8.1. HD/ VD signals
Jumpers on PK8189A.
8.2. Trigger input termination
Jumper on PK8206A for BX or PK8190A for RS.
8.3. Trigger mode selection
Jumpers on PK8206A for BX or PK8190A for RS.
*) Note: For Pulse Width Control, shutter speed must be set to 1/10,000 sec. (For BX by SW1. For RS by RS232C)
8.4. Pixel clock or video 2 on pin 9 (12 pin con.)
Jumpers on PK8187A.
8.5. Alternative input/ outputs on pin #6 and #7 (12 pin con.)
Jumpers on PK8187A.
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8.6. Locations of Jumper
Jumpers positions are shorted with a 0 ohm resistor or by a soldering between the 2 points. To remove the solder tin from
a jumper position, use a special tin remover such as desolder wick.
8.6.1. Location of Jumper on PK8189A
On this board the jumpers for HD/ VD input, output and 75ohm termination are found.
8.6.2. Location of Jumper on PK8187A
On this board the jumpers for alternative outputs on the 12 pin connector are found.
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8.6.3. Location of Jumper for CV-M10BX on PK8206A
Jumpers for selecting random trigger modes for CV-M10BX. It is edge pre-select, pulse width control, H reset and H non-
Jumper for trigger input 75 ohm termination is also found here.
JP13 JP12
8.6.4. Location of Jumper for CV-M10RS on PK8190A
Jumpers for selecting random trigger modes for CV-M10RS. It is edge pre-select, pulse width control, H reset and H non-
reset. These modes can not be selected by RS232C.
Jumper for trigger input 75 ohm termination is also found here.
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9. Internal adjustments on BX
For CV-M10BX there are internal potentiometers for adjusting the two video outputs. Do not touch these adjustments unless
you are familiar with video camera adjusting.
The potentiometers are found on the PK8206A board in CV-M10BX.
For CV-M10RS the same adjustments can be done via RS232C with the camera control tool.
See "10. CV-M10RS Camera Control Tool."
The adjustments are for the following functions:
Black level. Factory setting is 20 mVpp ±5 mV
Video 1 AGC level. Factory setting is 700 mVpp ±30 mV.
White clip level. Factory setting is 800mVpp ±20 mV
Video 1 and Video 2 gain. Factory setting to same video level on both outputs.
VSUB on the CCD sensor. Do not touch this adjustment.
9.1. Potentiometer locations on PK8206A
VR6: Video 2 Black Level
VR2: Video 1 Gain Level
VR5: Video 1 White Clip Level
VR1: CCD Vsub adjust. Do not touch.
VR3: Video 1 AGC Level
VR7: Video 1 Black Level
VR4: Video 2 White Clip Level
VR8: Video 2 Gain Level
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10. CV-M10RS Camera Control Tool
A camera control tool for CV-M10RS is available. It runs under Windows 98 and NT.
After installation a bar is shown on the screen. From here windows for each function group can be opened for camera
control. In the following the bar and windows are shown.
10.1. Control Bar for CV-M10RS Camera Control
10.2. About and Help Window
10.3. Shutter Window
10.4. Gain Window
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10.5. Levels Window
10.6. Files and Camera
10.7. Communication Window
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11. External Appearance and Dimensions
Unit : mm (inch)
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12. Specifications
CCD Sensor
Image Area
1/ 2" Interline-Transfer Type
6.4mm (H) x 4.8mm (V)
Number of Elements
Cell Size
659(H) x494(V) EIA/ VGA corresponded782(H) x 582(V) CCIR
9.9µm(H) x 9.9µm(V)
Scanning System
1) Non-interlace read-out to scan full 525 lines in 1/ 30 sec (EIA)
625 lines in 1/ 25 sec (CCIR)
2)Interlace readout, dual channels, 1/ 60 sec frequency (EIA)
1/ 50 sec frequency (CCIR)
"OUTPUT 1" for Field image in ODD-EVEN-ODD sequence
"OUTPUT 2" for Field image in EVEN-ODD-EVEN sequence
Vertical Frequency
Horizontal Frequency
EIA 59.94Hz CCIR 50Hz
EIA 15.735KHz CCIR 15.625KHz
1) Ext. HD/ VD Input (4.0Vp-p ±1.0V, 75Ωterminated)
2) Ext. trigger input (4.0Vp-p ±1.0V)
3) Int.HD/ VD output (4.0Vp-p ±1.0V, 75Ωterminated)
S/ N Ratio
EIA: H 530 lines, V 400 lines
CCIR: H 550 lines, V 400 lines
EIA: 56 dB or more (AGC OFF, Gamma = 1.0)
CCIR: 55 dB or more (AGC OFF, Gamma = 1.0)
1.0 lx (AGC ON, F1.4)
Ext. trigger mode
Electronic Shutter
Edge Pre-select or Pulse Width Control
Normal Speed: EIA 1/ 60 - 1/ 10,000 CCIR 1/ 50 - 1/ 10,000
High Speed: EIA 1/ 20,000 - 1/ 800,000 CCIR 1/ 25,000 - 1/ 917,000
Long Time Exposure: 2 FLD - 16 FLD max.
Random Trigger Shutter
Normal Speed: EIA 1/ 60 - 1/ 10,000 CCIR 1/ 50 - 1/ 10,000
High Speed: EIA 1/ 20,000 - 1/ 800,000 CCIR 1/ 25,000 -1/ 917,000
Manual/ Auto
Video Output
Lens Mount
VS Output 1.0Vp-p 75Ω
RS-232C compatible (CV-M10RS only)
-5°C to +45°C 20% to 80% (Non-condensed)
DC+12V ±10%
50x40x80 (WxHxD) mm
Note: Above specifications are subject to change without notice.
12.1. Spectral sensitivity
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13. Appendix
13.1. Precautions
Personnel not trained in dealing with similar electronic devices should not service this camera.
The camera contains components sensitive to electrostatic discharge. The handling of these devices should follow the
requirements of electrostatic sensitive components.
Do not attempt to disassemble this camera.
Do not expose this camera to rain or moisture.
Do not face this camera towards the sun, extreme bright light or light reflecting objects.
When this camera is not in use, put the supplied lens cap on the lens mount.
Handle this camera with the maximum care.
Operate this camera only from the type of power source indicated on the camera.
Power off the camera during any modification such as changes of jumper and switch setting.
13.2. Typical CCD Characteristics
The following effects may be observed on the video monitor screen. They do not indicate any fault of the CCD camera, but
do associate with typical CCD characteristics.
V. Smear
Due to an excessive bright object such as electric lighting, sun or strong reflection, vertical smear may be visible on the
video monitor screen. This phenomenon is related to the characteristics of the Interline Transfer System employed in the
V. Aliasing
When the CCD camera captures stripes, straight lines or similar sharp patterns, jagged image on the monitor may appear.
Some pixel defects can occur, but this does not have en effect on the practical operation.
Patterned Noise
When the CCD camera captures a dark object at high temperature or is used for long time integration, fixed pattern noise
(shown as white dots) may appear on the video monitor screen.
13.3. References
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11. User’s Record
Camera type:
(Revision F)
Serial No.
Users Mode Settings
Users Modifications
15. Index
No index.
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