Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
Document Revision History
April 29, 2005
Added note recommending exporting profiles
before uninstalling software
January 15, 2005
Initial release
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose and Scope................................................................................................................1
1.2 Product Nomenclature ..........................................................................................................1
1.3 Overview.............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Document Organization ........................................................................................................1
2 Unattended Installation Under Microsoft Windows XP Professional.................................................2
2.1 Installation Using Microsoft Windows XP Setup Manager (Setupmgr.exe) ................................2
2.2 Command Lines File (cmdlines.txt)........................................................................................2
2.3 Unattend (Answer) File.........................................................................................................2
2.4 INF File Creation .................................................................................................................3
2.4.2 Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection...................................................4
2.5 Copying Files from the Intel CD-ROM...................................................................................4
2.6 Executing the Unattended Install Using the Operating System ..................................................4
3 Silent Installation Under Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000................................5
3.1 Silent Install Summary..........................................................................................................5
3.2 Introduction .........................................................................................................................5
3.3 Operating Mode ...................................................................................................................5
3.4 Command Line Options ........................................................................................................5
3.4.1 SetupWLD.exe (Silent Driver Install Program) .............................................................5
3.4.2 –Silent=xxx Definitions..............................................................................................6
3.4.3 iProInst.exe (Wrapper for Intel PROSet/Wireless Software MSI files) ............................6
4 Uninstall and Upgrade..................................................................................................................9
4.1 Driver Uninstall and Upgrade................................................................................................9
4.2 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software Uninstall and Upgrade ........................................................9
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This document presents an overview of methods for installing, uninstalling, and upgrading the Intel®
PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection Software which supports the Intel® PRO/Wireless
2915ABG Network Connection wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter and Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG
Network Connection wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter. Detailed instructions are supplied for unattended
and silent installation of the driver and the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software application, as well as for
uninstalling and upgrading the driver and the Intel® PROSet/Wireless application.
Applicable to Intel® PRO/Wireless software version: 9.0.1
1.2 Product Nomenclature
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
The Intel wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter hardware that supports
the IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g standards.
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network
Connection Software
General name for driver supplied with the product.
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network
The Intel wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter hardware that supports
the IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g standards.
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network
Connection Software
General name for driver supplied with the product.
Intel® PROSet/Wireless software
The Intel network and profile management application and its
graphical user interface.
1.3 Overview
The Intel® PROSet/Wireless software v 9.0 has been radically changed from previous versions. The user
interface is completely redone as is the underlying software. The installer for the software has also
changed but many of the same functionalities have been maintained.
There are now multiple .msi files that are installed due to the modular design of the application.
The installation is now done through an application called iproinst.exe.
The default installation of iproinst.exe can be altered with a series of command line parameters.
Iproinst.exe can optionally install/reinstall/upgrade the driver in coordination with the application.
Further details of the above flexibility are provided below in the Command Line Option section.
1.4 Document Organization
The following topics are presented in this document:
Unattended install under Microsoft Windows XP Professional*
Silent install under Microsoft Windows XP* and Microsoft Windows 2000*
Driver uninstall and upgrade
Intel® PROSet/Wireless software uninstall and upgrade
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
2 Unattended Installation Under Microsoft Windows XP
Expected outcome: The operating system should install and load the drivers for the This driver will
support both the Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter or
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection wireless LAN MiniPCI adapter without prompting
the user during or after the unattended installation depending on which .inf and hardware was used.
2.1 Installation Using Microsoft Windows XP Setup Manager (Setupmgr.exe)
1. From the \Support\Tools directory of the Microsoft Windows XP CD-ROM, double-click the file to unzip the Setupmgr.exe application.
2. Copy the Setupmgr.exe application and paste it to the local hard drive.
3. Run Setupmgr.exe on the local drive to create an unattend file to be used to perform an
unattended operating system installation.
2.2 Command Lines File (cmdlines.txt)
1. On the screen “Additional commands” (the last screen displayed when running Setupmgr.exe),
add the following command:
rundll32.exe setupapi.dll, InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128
2. This command will create the text file cmdlines.txt and place it in the \i386 directory of the
distribution folder (i.e., \\directory\i386).
3. Setupmgr.exe creates two files, the unattend (answer) file in text format, and a batch file, which
references the unattend file. These files will be placed in the distribution folder specified earlier in
the unattend file creation routine.
2.3 Unattend (Answer) File
The unattend file must include the following parameters. If you have an existing unattend file, be sure it
includes all the items listed here.
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Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
Note: SUBSYS ID will vary based on hardware SKU
Note: SUBSYS ID will vary based on hardware SKU
2.4 INF File Creation
2.4.1 Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG or 2915ABG Network Connection
1. Create a file called wm3a7oem.inf in Notepad with the following contents:
Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
2. Copy the wm3a7oem.inf file into the \i386\$oem$ directory
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
2.4.2 Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection
1. Create a file called wm3b7oem.inf in Notepad with the following contents:
Signature = "$CHICAGO$"
2. Copy the wm3b7oem.inf file into the \i386\$oem$ directory
2.5 Copying Files from the Intel CD-ROM
Copy the following files from the \drivers directory of the Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network
Connection software CD-ROM into the \i386\$oem$\$1\i386 directory:
Note: If the \i386\$oem$\$1\i386 directory doesn’t exist, create it.
Note: This driver will support both the Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection wireless
LAN MiniPCI adapter and Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection wireless LAN MiniPCI
2.6 Executing the Unattended Install Using the Operating System
From the command prompt, change directories to the distribution directory (C:\ cd C:\directory)
Execute the unattended install by either typing unattend.bat, or winnt32\unattend:unattend.txt.
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
3 Silent Installation Under Microsoft Windows XP and
Microsoft Windows 2000
3.1 Silent Install Summary
Silent install provides a method of installing system drivers for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG and
2915ABG Network Connection without user intervention.
3.2 Introduction
The standalone silent driver installation application SetupWLD.exe installs and uninstalls the miniport
NDIS driver for Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000. SetupWLD.exe and the
corresponding SetupWLD.ini have the appropriate entries to perform the installation. These files are
located in the respective driver folder of the Intel installation CD. This program works only for Intel-
manufactured wireless network adapters.
3.3 Operating Mode
This program can operate in the following modes:
The wireless MiniPCI adapter is installed into a system with an old driver installed.
The wireless MiniPCI adapter is installed into a system with the same driver installed.
The wireless MiniPCI adapter is not installed in the system.
Based on the conditions above, the respective actions are:
Silent driver upgrade or installation.
Silent driver reinstallation.
Unattended installation (prepare the system to accept the MiniPCI adapter and perform an
unattended installation when the wireless MiniPCI adapter is plugged in)
When this application is run after canceling the PnP hardware wizard, it installs the drivers. (The PnP
dialog displays when the hardware is inserted into a system with an OS, on which no Intel wireless LAN
device is currently installed.) After the driver is copied onto the system, SetupWLD.exe triggers a rescan
of the PCI bus to identify if a card is present and then installs the driver automatically.
3.4 Command Line Options
3.4.1 SetupWLD.exe (Silent Driver Install Program)
-silent or /Silent
Do not display any progress dialog boxes or error messages
-INI <full file name> or /INI <full file name>
Use the specified file name for INI information and not
SetupWLD.ini in the current working directory
-NoReboot or /NoReboot
-Help or /Help
Forces no reboot even if reboot is required after the install
Displays help message
-Install or /Install
Install (if it exists, Reinstall will take place)
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
Upgrades driver if existing otherwise it will install driver
Remove only
-Reinstall or /Reinstall
-Remove or /Remove
-Silent=xxx or /Silent=xxx
Used to select what prompts and status messages to present to
the end customer.
3.4.2 –Silent=xxx Definitions
There are a series of messages that can be enabled or disabled based on desired results. These messages
can be presented even when doing a silent install. In this case, the typical application windows are
suppressed and only the progress and alert messages are presented.
The following table describes the behavior change implied by the use of a specific value.
Suppress final message: Error in installation or removal of specific adapters
Suppress termination message: OS not supported.
Suppress termination message: Not running as administrator.
Suppress termination message: Device installation in progress
Suppress termination message: Unable to open .ini file.
Suppress termination message: Incorrect command line option.
Suppress Status Dialog.
Reserved for Future Use
Suppress prompt for driver reinstall (same version identified). Installation will continue.
Suppress termination message: No matching driver has been found / no HW installed.
Prompt when the Hardware Wizard is running when SetupWLD is started
Default behavior running without flags is equivalent to specifying 0 as the bitwise value.
Default behavior upon stating the -Silent option is equivalent to specifying the following bitwise value:
59 = 1+2+8+16+32
3.4.3 iProInst.exe (Wrapper for Intel PROSet/Wireless Software MSI files)
iProInst.exe is designed to check for legacy hardware and software and take appropriate actions, such as
stopping installation or removing legacy software. It is designed to check for the system’s local language
to ensure that the right transform is used.
The value for xxxx.mst is automatically determined by iproinst.exe. By default,
the SSO (Single Sign On) feature is not installed and reboot is not required.
Install method
Quiet Install
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Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
Quiet Removal
Quiet Repair
Values are
not case
Option followed by =value.
Example HideTrayIcon=Yes
True, On,
Used to select driver installation when the application is installed.
Default = True
False, Off,
Used to install all SSO features. Can be used in conjunction with Prelogon=no
if only want to install
True, On,
False, Off,
Default = False
True, On,
Can be used to optionally select the PLC and GINA installation if SSO is
False, Off,
True, On,
Used to install the Administrator Toolkit for configuring persistent, common,
and Pre-Login Connect profiles.
False, Off,
True, On,
Used to install the application. If set to false then Intel PROSet will not be
installed but the driver will still be installed.
False, Off,
Values are
not case
Option followed by =value.
Example HideTrayIcon=Yes
True, On,
Used to add additional option to software radio disable button in Intel PROSet
that will allow the A radio to be independently turned off.
False, Off,
True, On,
Can be used to optionally hide the Task Tray icon.
Default = False
False, Off,
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Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
True, On,
Enables whether Microsoft Windows XP or Intel PROSet will manage profiles
after installation
False, Off,
True, On,
Allow reboot during silent install
Default = False
False, Off,
“xxxx” represents the language ID of the target OS. For example, USA English
ID is 1033, Greek ID is 1032.
Default=Auto, Installer will detect OS language and install appropriate
*It is highly recommended to install the driver that comes with the application to ensure that the driver
and Intel PROSet are in sync with the same validation versions.
IProInst.exe is an .ini driven installer. The .ini makes the installer highly configurable and capable of
simulation all installation requirements currently supported by previous Intel® Network Connection
Intel Customer Support
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG and 2915ABG Network Connection Software
Administrator Installation Guide, Rev. 1.2
4 Uninstall and Upgrade
4.1 Driver Uninstall and Upgrade
To uninstall the driver:
1. From Device Manager go to Network Adapters and select Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG
Network Connection.
2. Right-click the device name and select Uninstall or go to Properties, Driver, Uninstall.
3. The driver will be uninstalled
To upgrade the driver:
1. From Device Manager go to Network Adapters and select Intel PRO/Wireless 2915ABG
Network Connection.
2. Right-click the device and select Update Driver… or go to Properties, Driver, Update Driver…
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to upgrade the driver.
To uninstall the driver silently (performs complete cleanup):
Run “SetupWLD.exe –Remove -Silent” and the driver will be uninstalled silently.
4.2 Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software Uninstall and Upgrade
To uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless software:
1. From the Windows desktop select Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Click Add or Remove Programs.
3. Select Intel PROSet/Wireless software and click the Remove button.
4. If network connection driver has been installed in combination with software installation (the
“driver-” flag was not specified for iproinst.exe), then the driver will also be removed.
To uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless software “silently”:
1. To uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless software "silently," use the following command line string:
iProInst.exe /qR
Note: Uninstalling Intel® PROSet/Wireless software also removes all configured profiles and
settings. Intel recommends that you export all profile and administrative tool settings before
uninstalling the software.
To upgrade Intel® PROSet/Wireless software:
To upgrade Intel® PROSet/Wireless software, install the new version. Old version will be
automatically removed during the process.
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